Mistakes are Growth Points

All students make mistakes in class — take it easy, this is part of life.

When there are no mistakes, it means that the student knows everything and no longer needs a teacher.

Personally, I love when my students make the mistakes. I listen to them carefully and analyze them. We need mistakes. Mistakes help us understand where to go next. We see what material has been well-learned and what material still needs to be worked on.

What kind of mistakes can we encounter?

Random mistakes. Most often they are due to the lack of attention: We are in a hurry; the thought is not thought out, emotional. We, as a rule, do not pay attention to such mistakes. Students see them and correct them immediately.

System mistakes. Here we need to look at the reasons, and these reasons can be different. For example, if there are mistakes with pronunciation — we do exercises to correct pronunciation. If there are grammar mistakes or the grammar has not yet been introduced — we study the grammar and use it in our speech.

Another type of system mistake is when teachers do not see the difference in exercises for different types of speech activities, and they do writing exercises where it is necessary to work on oral speech. This, by the way, is very common when parents who teach their children themselves are trying to correct the wrong speech with a lot of grammar exercises. Then they are surprised when it does not help. In fact, you need to do exercises to improve your students’ speech. You need to look for such exercises. This is a system mistake of the teacher (parent).

Another problem is that parents do the homework for their children. The teacher does not see mistakes; she thinks that everything is in order. However, there really are a lot of mistakes, and it is the parents’ fault that the teacher doesn’t see them because the parents aren’t allowing their children to work independently. The reason for this problem is that the parents themselves are afraid of bad grades or afraid of mistakes.

What am I leading to? Remember the folk wisdom:

  •  We learn from mistakes.
  •  The one who does nothing does not make mistakes.
  •  Humans tend to make mistakes.

In all of these folk wisdoms, it is clear that mistakes are something normal, they cannot be avoided, and they are to be learned from.

Mistakes are growth points. We really need them. Analyze them, and learn from them (although folk wisdom advises us to learn from other people’s mistakes).

Have good and correct mistakes!

All students make mistakes in class — take it easy, this is part of life.

When there are no mistakes, it means that the student knows everything and no longer needs a teacher.

Personally, I love when my students make the mistakes. I listen to them carefully and analyze them. We need mistakes. Mistakes help us understand where to go next. We see what material has been well-learned and what material still needs to be worked on.

What kind of mistakes can we encounter?

Random mistakes. Most often they are due to the lack of attention: We are in a hurry; the thought is not thought out, emotional. We, as a rule, do not pay attention to such mistakes. Students see them and correct them immediately.

System mistakes. Here we need to look at the reasons, and these reasons can be different. For example, if there are mistakes with pronunciation — we do exercises to correct pronunciation. If there are grammar mistakes or the grammar has not yet been introduced — we study the grammar and use it in our speech.

Another type of system mistake is when teachers do not see the difference in exercises for different types of speech activities, and they do writing exercises where it is necessary to work on oral speech. This, by the way, is very common when parents who teach their children themselves are trying to correct the wrong speech with a lot of grammar exercises. Then they are surprised when it does not help. In fact, you need to do exercises to improve your students’ speech. You need to look for such exercises. This is a system mistake of the teacher (parent).

Another problem is that parents do the homework for their children. The teacher does not see mistakes; she thinks that everything is in order. However, there really are a lot of mistakes, and it is the parents’ fault that the teacher doesn’t see them because the parents aren’t allowing their children to work independently. The reason for this problem is that the parents themselves are afraid of bad grades or afraid of mistakes.

What am I leading to? Remember the folk wisdom:

  •  We learn from mistakes.
  •  The one who does nothing does not make mistakes.
  •  Humans tend to make mistakes.

In all of these folk wisdoms, it is clear that mistakes are something normal, they cannot be avoided, and they are to be learned from.

Mistakes are growth points. We really need them. Analyze them, and learn from them (although folk wisdom advises us to learn from other people’s mistakes).

Have good and correct mistakes!

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Soroka. Russian language for children

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