How can you teach children RFL (Russian as a foreign language) without explaining grammar to them?

This is a very easy question; it is very easy to answer, because this topic has been developed for a very long time and everyone is very interested in it. Moreover, I will say that this is the topic that led me to study the methodology of teaching foreign languages.

We have three sections.

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Soroka. Russian language for children

Working with vocabulary in an RFL (Russian as foreign language) lesson using numerals as an example

First, a definition: Since many beginning teachers of RFL (Russian as a foreign language) read my blog, I will explain to them that all words of the language can be called by one word — vocabulary. Therefore, sometimes I will write “working with words,” and sometimes “working with vocabulary.” Beginners, get used to the terms, because they will come in handy.

We have two parts. In the first part, I will tell you about the procedure for working with vocabulary in practice.

In the second part, we will get acquainted a little with the theory of the methods of teaching RFL.

Part 1

Stage one:

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Soroka. Russian language for children

Speaking in Russian as a foreign language lesson with children

So why don’t they speak? I will talk about the main mistakes teachers make and show how I solve the problem of speaking in my Russian lessons.

The entire lesson should be focused specifically on speech. You need to perceive all exercises precisely as preparation for speech, as steps to conversation.

It is absolutely not necessary to be able to read and write to have a conversation. At all! To have a conversation you just need to be able to:

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Soroka. Russian language for children

7 Games for Your Russian Class

Games in lessons of Russian for children and adults — what are they for, what is their advantage, when and how to play? The topic about games is a difficult one. Later I’ll tell you why.

Let’s start with how to play

In the Teacher’s Book for Soroka 1, there are games for studying numerals in Russian.

Game 1. Drumroll

The teacher taps a pencil on the table or claps his hands, the students listen carefully to how many times the teacher knocks, and they call out the number in Russian. For example: the teacher claps five times, and the students respond with “Five!” We achieve spontaneity of speech; this is our goal in this case.

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Soroka. Russian language for children

How to Drill Russian Words

Words don’t exist by themselves. They are a part of a sentence. You will memorize it better when you try to remember it with other words, in a sentence.

First, as I wrote before, make your own sentence with the new words you study — at least three. If the word has many different meanings, make sentences with all the different meanings. The word соль can be salt or the musical note G (sol). The word ручка can be a pen, a small hand (of a child) or a handle (of an armchair or a drawer). 

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Soroka. Russian language for children