Parent's Manual. Unit 1 Lesson 2


“Алфавит (строчные буквы).” (Alphabet, lowercase letters)

Words, Phrases, and Translation:

Входите, пожалуйста! – Come in, please!

Молодец! – Well done!

Все вместе! – All together!

Кто это? – Who is that?

Это Ваня. – This is Vanya.

Review/Warm-up Activity

  1. Greet the students when they enter the classroom with the following words: “Входите, пожалуйста!” and “Пожалуйста, садитесь!”
  2. Say “Привет, я … (Ваше имя)” pointing at yourself. Ask some students “Как тебя зовут?” Write several names on the board in a random order.
  3. Work in pairs/groups: The students introduce themselves in the same manner.
  4. The name tags: Every student has a blank piece of paper (you can hand out paper yourself, or the students could have brought paper from home). Fold the sheets of paper in half and draw a line on one half, on which they are going to write their names, closer to the bottom end. You have already written the students’ names on the board in a random manner. Read their names one by one and make sure that the students repeat the names after you. Then the students copy their own names on the sheets of paper, which you handed out to them; they are going to serve as their name tags, which they can place on the tables in front of themselves. Walk around the classroom and help the students write their names. Praise each student by saying: “Молодец!” (“Well done!”)



There is no need to learn the alphabet by heart. The target of the exercise is to introduce the Russian alphabet and demonstrate that there are some familiar (M, A, K, E, T, O). The exercises of reading the alphabet aloud will be used during future lessons. This approach lets the students learn the Russian letters better, especially if their native language uses the Latin alphabet or any other writing system. The students open their textbooks to Page 2. The teacher reads the alphabet letter-by-letter, and points at the letters he/she is reading. Then the teacher reads the alphabet a second time, pausing after each letter for the students to be able to repeat after him/her. 



“Это Вова!”

Say “Откройте учебники!” and show the students on which page to open. Then say “Смотрите и слушайте!” Read the conversation showing the pictures about what you are reading at the same time. Then read one more time, and the students repeat after you. The students repeat the conversation using Pictures 3 and 4 (Кто это? – Это Вова.) all together as the entire class/group and after that they do it in pairs/groups. Check the students’ work and praise them by saying “Молодец, хорошо!” Ask the students the question “Кто это?” Point at a student and ask the other students “Кто это?” and let them answer. Help them answer: “Это …”

Reading and Writing

(ACTIVITY BOOK, Pages 1-2)

Exercise 2.  The students draw self-portraits and write their names. They have already written their names at the beginning of the lesson. Help them to write their names if they do not remember.

Exercise 3. Ask the students to find the names hidden in the picture.

Exercise 4. Put in the missing letters.

The Keys to the Exercises

Exercise 3. Find the names.                                                                                                               

Exercise 4. Аня, Вова, Вика, Максим                     

Ending the Lesson

The lesson’s ending is similar to Lesson 1. Say “Закройте ваши книги!” Then say

“До свидания!” several times. The students repeat after you twice or three times. Make sure that they know the       difference between “Привет!” and ”До свидания!”  Tell the students “До свидания!” when they are leaving the classroom.                                                

Be prepared!             

You are going to need a scarf or a piece of fabric to blindfold the students.

Soroka. Russian language for children

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