Language Focus:
НЕТ – No
Пожалуйста, встаньте! – Please stand up!
Стой! – Stop!
Review the phrases of greetings and introduction. Address some students with the following words: “Привет, я … Как тебя зовут?”

Practice and Presentation
Introduce the words ДА and НЕТ by moving your head. Demonstrate several times by pronouncing the words and moving the head at the same time. Ask the students to place theirname tags on the table facing them. Walk around the classroom asking aloud “Кто это?” trying to guess a student’s name without s looking at the name tags. Ask the students the question “Это …?” The students answer ДА or НЕТ to your trying to guess the names. Then the students come to the board one by one and try to give each other names
“Это …”
STUDENT’S BOOK, p.4. The students take turns to show the characters in the pictures and give their names: “Это …” The other students listen and answer: “Да, правильно. Молодец!” or “Нет, это …”
Answers: а) Максим, б) Вова, в) Аня, г) Вика
STUDENT’S BOOK, p.4. The game. Read the words that characters are saying on page 4. Remind the students about the words “Да” and “Правильно.” One of the students acts as a host of the program. He/she is blindfolded as shown in the picture in the Student’s Book. The other students take turns by saying “Привет!” and the host is trying to guess the name of the student who just said it by saying “Это …” The students answer: “Да, правильно” or “Нет, неправильно.”
(ACTIVITY BOOK, Pages 3-4)
Page 3. The students connect the letters in the pictures and then match the pictures and names of the characters.
Page 4. The students read the words in the frame and then find them in the picture.
Ending the lesson
Review the letters of the alphabet.
Be prepared!
Make 10 cards with the syllables. It is necessary to have five cards with the open syllables (the syllables that end in the vowel sound; for example, МА, ТА, КО, ТО, ТЕ) and five cards with the closed syllables (the syllables that end in the consonant sound; for example, ЕТ, ЕМ, АМ, ОК, ОС).