Many parents have concerns about their children reading at the first class. They open the Student’s Book, see the words written there and are shocked: “My child cannot read this!”
That is true, your students cannot read in Russian yet, but it is not necessary. All the future exercises are geared toward them beginning to learn the Russian letters and the reading rules of the Russian language. Therefore, it is important to use common sense and what we have just learned during the lesson.

If you follow my instructions, then you know about the Oral Approach: listening – speaking – reading – writing. Reading is our third phase. By the time we start reading, students have already listened to and reviewed all of the new words. They already know these words verbally. They also know the names of heroes from the books.
You have already verbally learned everything that is written on this page. What are we doing now? You will read all the words and point at the place you are reading. Then you will read the second time, and your student will repeat after you. Previously they looked at the toys that gave them their names; now they are looking at the Russian letters and repeating the reading of the words.
It took us 10 to 12 minutes of the lesson to do all that reviewing. Let’s open Page 1 in the Student’s Book (с. 1 в Рабочей тетради) and put it aside. Now we are opening Page 1 in the Activity Book. Here it is not necessary to read. First, we just need to look at the pictures.
It was not in vain that we learned to recognize the book’s characters depicted on Page 1 of this Student’s Book (Учебник, с. 1). Now these characters appear again, but in black-and-white. You can show the characters in the Activity Book (в Рабочей тетради) and give their names. Then ask your student to do the same – show the characters and give their names. Now let us look at their names written in Russian on the right margin of the page. What is written here?
You can pretend that you are the scientists who are studying the writings of an unknown civilization. You can look at these names and come up with the idea of how to decode them. Perhaps let us just find familiar letters in the words. Are there any familiar letters? Let us see, there might be some.
In the Activity Book (в Рабочей тетради) you have a hint/clue. We know that the girl’s name is Вика, and there is a line connecting her picture with her name. Let us look at “Bика” and all the letters it contains. Where is the letter “A”? Where is the letter “K”? We are looking at the letters and pointing at them with the finger. We see the Вика is on the picture and the written word is “Вика” as well.
We have two names left. One of them is Аня. Let us see if we have the letter “a” in the beginning of the word somewhere. Here it is! Now let us look at the name Вова. The letter “a” is now the last, at the very end. In what other word is the letter “a” at the end? Correct! Here we go – we have connected all of the characters’ pictures with their names. Please note that we cannot read in Russian yet.
The next activity/task is to draw a self-portrait and write your name. Here you can write in Russian or in the language of the country you live in. Maybe your student’s name is Аня or Вика. Then you can just copy the name written in the book.
At the very end of this lesson, there is a self-testing. Let your student open the Student’s Book (Учебник) on Page 1 and look at the picture. They need to make sure that they have done everything right and that in the Student’s Book, everything is the same as in the picture.
I think you understand the way it works now. Please write your comments if you need any help.
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