Russian Alphabet at Our First Lessons

Last time we looked at the first lesson of the Soroka Course and I told you how to perform our first lesson, how we repeat words, how we read them and how we do the exercises in the first few pages of the Student’s Book and the Activity Book. As soon as we finish these exercises, we will move on.

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Soroka. Russian language for children

How to Read at the First Class?

Many parents have concerns about their children reading at the first class. They open the Student’s Book, see the words written there and are shocked: “My child cannot read this!”

That is true, your students cannot read in Russian yet, but it is not necessary. All the future exercises are geared toward them beginning to learn the Russian letters and the reading rules of the Russian language. Therefore, it is important to use common sense and what we have just learned during the lesson.

Continue reading “How to Read at the First Class?”
Soroka. Russian language for children

Reading Russian Words Correctly

There are a few tools that can help you to read the words correctly. Most of the time the problem is not reading. It is actually much easier to read Russian than English, for example, but what about the emphasis? Where should it be in the word бабушка, for example? Is the first A stressed? Or the letter У? Maybe the last A? The correct answer is that the first letter A is stressed — бАбушка.

When you hear the word, it is easier to remember where to put the emphasis. You hear and you repeat.

Listening and repeating is an easier way to memorize the words. It is very natural. We are born to be able to speak and to listen. To tell the truth, reading and writing skills are less natural. A person must be trained to read or write. One hundred years ago, most of the people were just illiterate.

Because listening and repeating are more natural, if you can, try to listen to the words first and then repeat them. You should only go and read the word after that. I understand that most of time this method is not possible. Most of the time we receive new words from the written sources: textbooks, books, letters, articles, you name it.

Soroka. Russian language for children