You asked me for flashcards so many times that now they have finally appeared on
Those, who already have the Teacher’s Book of Soroka 1 in the personal account on the site, have already received them as a gift.
Additionally, you may buy them on the websites TpT and
I already wrote articles in my blog and submitted video instructions on my YouTube channel, where I explained how to work with flashcards and how we learn to read Russian using them.

On you may also find new books.
Firstly, there are Darya Kriviborskaya’s books for reading in Russian. Secondly, you will find a print version of the comic “Urfin Come Home”.

To enhance the convenience, we created two special book sets: the first comprises six detective stories of Daria Krivoborskaya and the second consists of 8 books which beside Daria’s books includes the comic “Urfin Come Home”, and the book of Polina Guelfreikh “Vassily the Cat”. It is more profitable to buy book sets.

Finally, I would like to add that now the book “Illustrated Russian Grammar” by Goutta Snetkov is also available to order on the site.
Now the promised links to the articles and videos. Here what I wrote about reading in the blog:
Reading With Flashcards. Link here.
Reading Russian Words Correctly. Link here.
Everybody Needs Comics. Link here.
Russian Alphabet at Our First Lessons. Link here.
How to Read at the First Class? Link here.
Parent’s Manual. Unit 1 Lesson 2. Link here.
Here are the videos that I filmed for my YouTube channel:
Reading with Flashcards. Link here.
Alphabet at Our First Lessons. Link here.
How to read at the First Class. Link here.