Unit 3. Lesson 2.

Last time in my blog I gave you a translation into English of Unit 3 Lesson 1 of the Teacher’s Book. Now we go on, with the translation of Unit 3 Lesson 2.

Here are the links to the samples of the Student’s Book and Activity Book on my website.

In this lesson we are learning

Age: “How old are you?” “I am 8 years old.” (“Сколько тебе лет?” “Мне восемь лет.”)

Review / Warm-up

A teacher points at numbers from 1 to 10 and reads them out loud. Students repeat after the teacher, initially all students at once, then each student one at a time.

Reading by syllables

Add flash cards not only with syllables but with whole words. Pay special attention to syllables and words with letters “Ё”, “Ь” and “Я.”

Presentation and Practice

(Student’s Book, pages 10 and 11)

How old are you? A teacher reads the dialogue on page 10 and explains new words and phrases. Then, a teacher reads it again and students repeat after the teacher, initially all students at once, then each student one at a time. A teacher walks around a classroom and checks on the pronunciation. After that you can start the oral assignment “Chain-drills.”

Plural nouns. Textbooks are closed. A teacher invites one of the girls to the center of the classroom and says: “Это Наташа. Наташа девочка.” (“This is Natasha. Natasha is a girl.”) Then he or she invites more girls, and says out loud: “Девочки” (“Girls”). You can invite boys, you can point at books, pens, desks, rulers or other objects, the names of which your students have already learned. Please exclude the word “стулья” (“chairs”). You do not need to use it yet.

Open the textbooks on page 11. A teacher reads words out loud and asks students how they can explain the difference between “идет-идут (“goes – go”), “спит-спят” (“sleeps – sleep”), “сидит-сидят” (“sits – sit”), etc. Students should say that we use the words “спит,” “сидит,” “читает” (“sleeps,” “sits,” “reads”) when we talk about one person, and the words “спят,” “сидят,” “читают” (“sleep,” “sit,” “read”) when we talk about a few people.

Reading and writing

(Activity, page 10)

Students should choose a word and write it under a picture. Make sure that all of your students understand the assignment. Show that hints can be found on pages 5 and 11 of the textbook.


  1. Мальчик идет. 2) Девочки сидят. 3) Мальчики читают. 4) Девочка бежит. 5) Девочки едят. 6) Мальчики спят. 7) Девочка спит. 8) Девочка читатет.

Ending the lesson

Play a “Crocodile” game (you can find the description of the game in Chapter 2, Lesson 3) with Number words, from 1 to 10.

Soroka. Russian language for children

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