Do I have any readers in New York? Would you like to meet there when I come?
I invite everyone interested to meet with me and other teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Speakers who have already confirmed their attendance: Olessia Apert, Alyona Greene, Olga Kisluhina and Ekaterina Klimchenko. We meet on Oct. 23, 2022, at 11am at Hampton Inn, located at:
220 West 41st St.
New York, New York, 10036-7203
We are planning to hold a small round table on the issues of teaching Russian to children, so be ready to ask your questions, please, and let me know if you also want to be a speaker.
Please, confirm that you are coming so that we can keep in touch and inform you about any changes to the program if such will be made.
Don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail at; or call/text and ask questions on 855-765-1265.